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Z alibaba

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  • Chair Leg Protectors for Hardwood Floors Silicone Pads Furniture Leg Pads and Covers to Protect the Floor from Scratches
  • Chair Leg Protectors for Hardwood Floors Silicone Pads Furniture Leg Pads and Covers to Protect the Floor from Scratches
  • Chair Leg Protectors for Hardwood Floors Silicone Pads Furniture Leg Pads and Covers to Protect the Floor from Scratches
  • Chair Leg Protectors for Hardwood Floors Silicone Pads Furniture Leg Pads and Covers to Protect the Floor from Scratches
  • Chair Leg Protectors for Hardwood Floors Silicone Pads Furniture Leg Pads and Covers to Protect the Floor from Scratches
  • Chair Leg Protectors for Hardwood Floors Silicone Pads Furniture Leg Pads and Covers to Protect the Floor from Scratches
  • Chair Leg Protectors for Hardwood Floors Silicone Pads Furniture Leg Pads and Covers to Protect the Floor from Scratches
  • Chair Leg Protectors for Hardwood Floors Silicone Pads Furniture Leg Pads and Covers to Protect the Floor from Scratches
  • Chair Leg Protectors for Hardwood Floors Silicone Pads Furniture Leg Pads and Covers to Protect the Floor from Scratches
  • Chair Leg Protectors for Hardwood Floors Silicone Pads Furniture Leg Pads and Covers to Protect the Floor from Scratches
  • Chair Leg Protectors for Hardwood Floors Silicone Pads Furniture Leg Pads and Covers to Protect the Floor from Scratches
  • Chair Leg Protectors for Hardwood Floors Silicone Pads Furniture Leg Pads and Covers to Protect the Floor from Scratches
  • Chair Leg Protectors for Hardwood Floors Silicone Pads Furniture Leg Pads and Covers to Protect the Floor from Scratches
  • Chair Leg Protectors for Hardwood Floors Silicone Pads Furniture Leg Pads and Covers to Protect the Floor from Scratches
  • Chair Leg Protectors for Hardwood Floors Silicone Pads Furniture Leg Pads and Covers to Protect the Floor from Scratches
  • Chair Leg Protectors for Hardwood Floors Silicone Pads Furniture Leg Pads and Covers to Protect the Floor from Scratches
  • Chair Leg Protectors for Hardwood Floors Silicone Pads Furniture Leg Pads and Covers to Protect the Floor from Scratches
  • Chair Leg Protectors for Hardwood Floors Silicone Pads Furniture Leg Pads and Covers to Protect the Floor from Scratches
  • Chair Leg Protectors for Hardwood Floors Silicone Pads Furniture Leg Pads and Covers to Protect the Floor from Scratches
  • Chair Leg Protectors for Hardwood Floors Silicone Pads Furniture Leg Pads and Covers to Protect the Floor from Scratches

Chrániče nohou židlí na podlahy z tvrdého dřeva, silikonové podložky, nábytkové podložky a kryty nohou pro ochranu podlahy před poškrábáním

Popis produktů
Název položky
Silikonové kluzné potahy na nohy židle
Silikonové kluzáky na židle
Obchodní značka
Výrobce oem
Místo obřadu
Guangdong, Čína
Velikost sudu
3 * 5 cm
OPP sáčky uvnitř
Silikonové kluzné potahy na nohy židle
profil společnosti
Balení a doprava
1. Jste továrna nebo obchodní společnost?
A1: Ano, jsme profesionální výroba továrny na tepelné materiály již více než 18 let.

2. Mohli byste nabídnout vzorky zdarma?
A2: Ano, mohli bychom nabídnout vzorky zdarma, ale pokud chcete vytisknout své logo a potřebujete velmi velkou velikost, možná budete muset účtovat a
Malý poplatek za vzorky, poplatek za vzorky bude vrácen jako součást vkladu po dostatečném počtu objednávek.

3. Mohli bychom navštívit vaši továrnu?
A3: Ano, Aigao velmi vítá všechny zákazníky a přátele v naší továrně, mohli bychom si dát čaj.
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