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Soluția versatilă de tablă PTFE pentru aplicații industriale

19 aug. 2024


Plăcile PTFE, cu rezistența lor chimică, stabilitatea termică, proprietățile antiaderente, izolația electrică și rezistența mecanică, sunt soluții versatile

Foliile PTFE sunt materiale de înaltă performanță care au fost recunoscute pe scară largă în diferite sectoare ale industriei datorită proprietăților lor excepționale.Foaie PTFE, care este cunoscut mai ales pentru inerția sa chimică, rezistența la temperaturi ridicate, precum și coeficientul de frecare scăzut, prezintă o gamă de avantaje de neegalat, făcându-l ideal pentru numeroase aplicații.

Rezistență chimică și durabilitate
Among the most important benefits PTFE sheet of is its incredible chemical resistance. It is not affected by virtually all types of chemicals thereby can be used under harsh circumstances where other materials would decay. To avoid corrosion and keep the system intact, tanks, pipes and valves are often covered with PTFE sheets.

Stabilitate termică
PTFE sheet makes good sense when utilized in applications operating at elevated temperatures such as engine parts or heat shields. It endures immense heat without being destroyed thus making it long-lasting and reliable.

Trăsături neadezive
Another quality that separates PTFE sheet from others is none stickiness attribute it possesses. This feature finds great applicability in the food processing field where this polymeric film serves as a release liner thus preventing sticking of food products during their production process.

Izolație electrică
Since PTFE sheet acts like an insulator with regards to electricity, it is coveted by a lot of people who are into electrical and electronic enterprises. Commonly found in wire jackets, cable sheaths or circuit boards among others places where insulation is needed, it has shown high dielectric strength plus very low dissipation factor hence efficient transmission of electrical signals.

Rezistență mecanică
Even though having softness and flexibility inherent properties , the mechanical strength properties are well maintained in the case of Ptfe film which enables it to carryout mechanical stresses without tearing apart.