19. oktobra 2024
Tiho gibanje
When pieces of furniture are moved and it produces a sound that is not only unpleasant but also has the potential to disturb the peace in a room. To combat this, Kuliwei has constructed silicone table and chair foot covers. This serves as a protective layer by being placed over the legs of furniture.
Silikonska prevleka za mizo in noge stolaOpremljena je tudi z nosljivo mehkobo, ki nastane zaradi lahkega silikona in pomaga absorbirati vse udarce, ki bi privedli do neželenih zvokov. Kot so tiste, ki nastanejo, ko se mize ali stoli premaknejo. Silikonska miza in pokrov za noge stola je zelo ugodna za kraje, kjer je treba omejiti zvok. T Glede na to so takšni kraji knjižnice, vrtci in snemalni studii.
Tla brez prask
Kuliwei further ensures in the protective layer that the floor remains intact as that is essential to a home or establishment. With the silicone table and chair foot cover not being overly abrasive in any way, there won’t be an alteration in the complexions of chairs or tables nor the modification in the finish of the floor for a long time. Laminate, tile, hardwood, or any flooring type for the matter this seems to be an all in one solution. Overall, with the assortment of Kuliwei’s silicone table and chair foot covers there is no doubt in my mind that your floors and furniture’s integrity will be there for a long time.
Popolna fuzija ustvarjalnosti in funkcionalnosti Kuliwei
Kuliwei seeks to produce products that address customer concerns without making them look out of place in today’s world. Our kuliwei silicone table and chair foot covers are intended to enhance usual living experience by adding comfort and lowering stress levels. With a variety of sizes to suit different kinds of furniture, there is always one for you at Kuliwei.
Kuliweijeve patentirane silikonske prevleke za mize in stole niso le zasnovane z namenom, temveč so izdelane z namenom zagotavljanja ustvarjalnih in estetskih rešitev. Zahtevajo minimalno znanje za namestitev in pod pogojem, da se upoštevajo navodila, nadaljnje servisiranje ni potrebno. Namesto tega jih je mogoče obrisati, kar omogoča enostavno čiščenje in podrejanje zaželene namestitve v hiši ali pisarni. V primeru, da želite preprečiti poškodbe novih talnih oblog in zmanjšati dražilne zvoke v že delujočem prostoru, so Kuliweijeve silikonske prevleke za mize in stole zelo poceni in enostavna rešitev.